Wednesday, 21 April 2010

To Do List

1 Introduce your blog by explaining the task, the group members and roles.
2 Write an entry that shows you have met and bounced around various different ideas.
3 Paste your treatment onto your blog.

4 Research the institutional factors of similar films to yours:

  • what production and distribution companies are involved?.
  • are the independents, majors, are they co-productions?
  • what do their idents look like?

5 Paste this information onto your blog.
6 Design an ident for your production, paste it onto your blog and explain what and how you’ve done it.
7 Write an entry on your blog about who you target audience is (picture, age, gender, social class, interests etc).
8 Paste textual analysis information about the title sequences you have watched onto your blog – include titles and order and illustrate with an embeded video and 9 key frames from on your blog.
9 Produce a timeline of a title sequence and paste it onto your blog.

10 Step Outline.

11 Animatic.
12 Storyboarding.
13 Textual Anaylisis Summary.
14 Textual Analysis Research.
15 Nine Frames exercise 1 & 2.
16 Opening sequence timeline
17 The preliminary exercise

Done - Green

To Finish - Orange

To Do - Red

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